Thursday 19 November 2015

Dear "stop writing your blog" mom!!

So there is a blogger I follow on facebook... I never really end up reading her blog any more.. Because just the short write up she has to her blog on facebook is starting to tick me off...

Every single blog is about a tired mother, an exhausted mother, a sad mother, a mother who is fed up a mother who just can't handle it anymore... She writes in this open letter format so its always " Dear tired Mom" or " Dear fed up mom"

Its been a while since i've seen a single post of hers saying " Dear Mom who figured out that there is more to being exhausted" or " Dear mom of the kid who is so affectionate or well behaved and good job to you"

Mother hood is an exhausting experience there is no getting away from it...

There is no kind of mum who isn't tired... stay at homes, work from homes, working moms... all of us are tired and fed up and crave for "me " time all the time... but hello... did you start your blog to encourage other women or discourage them from ever having kids?

Dude.. no matter what you do and how well you balance and how much help you have or don't.. once you've had your bumling its all madness down that road... but its really also so full of happiness and affection and love and warm hugs that the exhaustion will just disappear...

Thats what you should be telling the mums i think... about how post it all you get to curl up next to this little beautiful thing you created that will hug you like you are the whole world... and that gooey fuzzy heart wrenching feeling is really all that will matter...

I don't believe that you must have kids... I think if you don't want any you just shouldn't have any... but if you ask me for my opinion.. I would say have at least the one... just to experience true magic...

and while you will read blogs like the above mentioned one... don't get overwhelmed by them... don't take them at face value... each mother child journey is different.. and while i do too feel tired like hell at the end of the day... i really really don't think that would be my description to motherhood...

but don't also think its all a bed of roses because it isn't... the roughness and toughness is there... but its just one layer... the rest of the layers are pretty fun!

Sorry for the rant... just tired of moms who write blogs just to tell people how much "Work" it is to have kids!!! Also if i was a ruder person I would have written this to her... but i'm not.. i'll simply unfollow her and move on!!!!!

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