Saturday 22 August 2015

That feeling!

You know the best part about being a kid? 

You can pass out anywhere anytime and you know somehow you'll be back in your bed at night! 

Its an amazing thing no? 

At restaurants you can eat and then simply pass out on the sofa while the rest of the people are still eating... 

At a party, once you're done playing and dancing and eating like a crazy person, you can find the closest cushion, or your mum's lap and pass out... 

You can travel on a flight or go for a long drive... You can pass out while looking at the clouds or the street lights and close your eyes and comfortably fall back because your mum or dad will hold you... 

And carry you... 

And change you... 

 and tuck you into bed... 

What a feeling that is isn't it? 

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