Wednesday 25 March 2015

Then and now...

So yesterday I went down memory lane...

I read my blog from the first post till now...

It started because I was looking for a particular post... The one where I had measured Aadi and siddy to compare their sizes... The post was "at nine months" 

It's amazing... How I've been writing for two years now... And i have noticed how different my style of writing has become since then... And yet, because they are little stories about the bumling they have the same heart! 

I write too fast... My mum says it's because my brain works fast and my hands can't keep up..!!! She even says that's the reason I get annoyed with people!!! 

But it's true, I have a thought and before I can really get it down on paper I have already had three new thoughts!!!!

Also I realised that I had many posts per month then than I do now... And it got me thinking... With a new born I was able to write more than I do now with a toddler...

Before having the kid I always thought that with a new born I would have my hands full where as with him growing up I would be able to do more things on my own...

What a misconception!!! 

Siddy was much easier to handle when he was a baby... You simply had to wrap him up in a swaddle and keep him in the middle of the six months at best he would just roll around in the bed..but he is what we call a hurricane... 

It takes him all of five minutes to remove every car every block every book every musical instrument every random toy we ever got for him....really makes you wish you hadn't gotten him all those toys!!! 

All of your time goes in making sure he isn't going to hurt himself with something or break something...

And the second he sees you getting comfortable, trying to read a book or on your phone (trying to blog maybe!!) he goes nuts!! 

I don't even get the time to sit down and put my blog points down like I used to earlier with the thought of getting to them poor work blog:

That's just been put on the back burner for now... 

At least this one..because it's about the one thing that's a 24/7 thing in my life i always have something or another to say about... I manage to keep it updated... 

Funny thing is there are far more stories today to tell than there were in the first year... Like the way he talks to his cars.. Or the way he has fallen in love with indiawale the song... Or how he loves preted cooking and now makes us pizzas and pastas! 

But like the way I have lesser videos.. Because I'm so busy watching and enjoying his silly antics to get them on video, similarly with my posts ... I'm so busy enjoying him that I forget to make my notes and eventually I forget to write about it.. Because like my thoughts... By then he has done three more mad things!!!

The one thing that's the same for sure.. Is what an over dramatic monkey that kid is!! 

At two months to two years... He's the king of funny facial expressions and attention seeking!! 

Wonder what my posts will be like when he's three!! 

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