Thursday 27 June 2013

Growing so fast

Four months.... Li'l Sid is now four months... thats no more a new born...

No more wrapping him up in tiny mulmul fabric and putting little booties and caps to keep him warm... the mulmuls don't even cover him once anymore!!

No more making him sleep on me all night so he feels secure ans safe... He doesn't fit!!

No more breastfeeding him and watching his super tiny fingers against my chest...well that's just because we don't breast feed anymore but still....

No more does he fit on his changing station along the width.... I have to keep him along the length now or his stubby legs dangle!!

He's a big boy now... He sits up in his bouncer eats mashed bananas ... He makes all sorts of sounds to get your attention and throws back his head and laughs out loud when you make funny sounds!!! 

He's soon going to crawl and then walk and then run and then.....

He's becoming such a big big boy... It's heartbreaking... And wonderful all at the same time...!! 

I love seeing him grow up but I miss that little wrapped up doll I used to sleep with in my arms.... 

But that's just it i guess... You have to enjoy each stage for itself without missing the previous one or for that matter waiting for the next one... 

So for now I'm going to enjoy this adorable four month old sweetheart with his adorable cooing sounds!!!! 

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